Thursday, July 24, 2008

Vans Warped Tour 2008

Rachel and I went to Warped tour at "Great Woods" in Mansfield, MA last night and it was pretty crazy. We were in two thunder and lightening storms with protection for the first one, not so much on the second storm, but that was during Angels and Airwaves, which was the last group. We got to see All time Low, The Briggs, Forever the Sickest Kids, Street Dogs, We the Kings, Angels and Airwaves, Relient K, Phone Calls to Home,a dn a couple others as we passed by.

It was also really fun to hang out with my friend Johnathan Berard or "B" who's band, The Coming Weak, got to play at Warped Tour this year. I haven't seen him in about 7 years and it was fun catching up.

Rachel had a great time getting pictures with some of her fav band members and I think the pics speak for themselves. I was really excited for this concert because I was supposed to go a few years back, but for one reason or another I ended up not going, even though I had tickets - I would have taken our rainy day over a hot summer day anytime, so even though we were soaked by the end of the night, we had a great time.

I got to hang out with some of the tour managers for a while because I was standing by the sound tent for a while. She wa giving me some insiders on the bands and how they all were getting the flu, including the lead singer for Relient K. Sad. But she went up closer to the stage to get pictures for me...even though they ended up being video clips and didn't so much good for me. Oh well. Enjoy!

1 comment:

The Sewell Family said...

Wow, what a fun time the two of you must have had. Leanna, you are a way cool step mom!!! I can't wait to see all of you in August.

BTW, I am not back in shape where I want to be, but I am slowly getting there. It will probably take me the rest of the year to get to a figure I want. The dancing and exercising is a lot of fun though! Now that I know that you used to dance, you are going to be the one putting on a show in Dave & Kristi's living room.