Thanksgiving was great this year. A lot smaller than in past years, but filled with happiness and very full tummies none the less.
The kids, Ray, and I went to my parents house for Thanksgiving. In years past we have had other family members there and had to extend the table out into the living room, etc...but it was nice and cozy this year. My mom had a trip to the hospital earlier this week due to endless hours of Vertigo, so we kept Thanksgiving least we tried to. My mom ended up making 3 pies and the Turkey, while the Sewell's contributed sweet potatoes, scalloped potatoes, rolls, fried green beans (a new family tradition and favorite), cranberry sauce, turkey stuffing, a cookie cake, blueberry pie, sparkling cider, egg nog, and cran-ras juice. Basically we brought 60% of dinner over....but we have no dining room, so Mom's house it was.
Earlier in the morning the boys went to basketball. The guys were great about helping cook and we all watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade from 9-12pm. I still get misty eye when they announce Santa. I know it's silly, but it still helps me believe there's good in the world.
So, with Maggie at our feet, we ate our Thanksgiving feast and toasted to everything we were thankful for.
With full bellies we went down to watch the first Thanksgiving Day movie...."Napoleon Dynomite." We still laugh til we cry and Ray and I think it would be funny if I were Deb and he played Pedro or Napoleon next year for Halloween. It's either that or the Spartan Cheerleaders. I can't believe that Ray had never seen the very ending of ND. If you haven't watched past the credits, YOU MUST, and if you haven't watched at all....well, you are SO missing out. GET IT, NOW!
After movie numero uno came dessert break of a plethora of pies (Pumpkin, blueberry, mince, and cookie cake). We gorged again and with full tummies went back down for movie number 2, "The Bucket List."
This was an excellent movie (minimal swears and it would have been fine without them) All four of us watched it, although had I known about the swears I may not have been so quick to have Jacob see it, but I know these are nothing new to his ears...sad, I know. So I do recommend this movie. It's definitely a heart string puller, but it is SO important for each of us to recognize our dreams and to never let life get in the way of our dreams, because you never know when it is your last day on Earth. I mean, how nice to get a life expectancy countdown if you have a terminal illness, but the bottom line is, none of us never know when our last day on Earth is.
We need to be spending so much more quality time living life and doing what we deem important. Too much time is spent at work and not at home. I'm having a hard time dealing with that lately and looking for ways to cut down on school time because I find myself not knowing my home as much as I'd like to. I really like being there when the kids get home because I don't think it's right that children should have to go home to an empty house. Ray and I are really struggling with this right now because we each have 2 jobs and we're still barely making ends meet with our mortgage and whatnot. This is a project we're working on so we can spend more time together and at home.
So, my point is, GO SKYDIVE!
Ok, so the day AFTER Thanksgiving.....we at Turkey sandwiches of course. We planned to go into Boston, but it started pouring for about 2 hours straight. By the time we decided to go to the mall instead, it stopped raining. Go figure. SCARY observation with the mall scene this year:
A) we found a parking spot right away and
B) there was only one store packed with people and it just seemed that way because the store is 90% clothes and 10% walking room.
It was eerily quiet at the mall, although I heard the horror stories of the early morning stampedes and shootings at stores. So scary. I did not have any desire to be a part of that. Go ebay! After the mall we picked up my friend Lindsey, and headed over to the GAME NIGHT HOUSE :-) We played Outburst for a few hours and laughed a whole lot. Some of those definitions were just amazing. If you haven't played, you must. I think my favorite definition still was "Humhum": A kind of plain, coarse India cloth, made of cotton.
Happy Definition making!